Head's Blog

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It's getting 'Christmassy' 

Open the Book
We welcomed in Open the Book this week who showed the traditional Christmas story. Lots of the children were involved with this and we discussed the similarities and differences between this and our nativity (Boogie Woogie Nativity). 

Christmas Tree festival at St Wenna's Church
A couple of our children helped decorate our school Christmas tree for the festival at St Wenna's church. All children in the school made a wooden decoration for the tree so look out for it at the Christingle Service next week.

Christmas carols and crafts at Hillcrest
On Tuesday afternoon, the whole school visited Hillcrest Nursing Home where we sang some Christmas songs and completed some Christmas crafts with the residents. My favourite moment was seeing a couple of children make a paper chain necklace which one of the residents then wore around her neck. I was extremely proud of the children for representing our school so well and I know we definitely brought the Christmas spirit.

Final dates for this half term
Tuesday 12th December-Christingle Service at St Wenna at 5pm
Thursday 14th December-Nativity production at 1:30pm and 5:00pm
Monday 18th December-Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day and PTFA Christmas film club (2-4pm)
Tuesday 19th December-Last day of term and mufti day


Aspirations Day and Christmas Bingo 

Aspirations Day
Each term we will be holding an aspirations day to show children about the world of work and how there are many job routes that they could go into when they are older. 

The children dressed up for the day in what they wanted to be when they were older or a job profession in general. We had a banker, builder, air hostess, equine vet and many more.

We were joined in the morning by a air hostess who works for BA long haul flights and the children took part in an immersive experience in the hall where they could see the jobs that they completed whilst on board. We were also joined by a game designer who makes maps for Fortnite and he explained how he had to continue his job as an engineer for years during the day, whilst building up his YouTube channel until he started being successful making maps where he was able to make this his full-time job.

The children were able to understand what skills were required for the jobs but also the person's values such as determination, creativity, perseverance and how this allowed them to be successful. 

We finished the day understanding about equality of pay and completed the Paper Bag challenge to understand how sadly some countries do not pay people fairly for the jobs they do and we were able to empathise with how people would feel being treated that way.

Christmas Bingo

A huge thank-you for the support for our Christmas Bingo held at Widegates village hall. We raised just over £500 for the school which is incredible. Thank-you to the PTFA for their time and efforts in making this run so smoothly!


Global Neighbours -Parliament week 

We invited Sheryl Murray into school as part of parliament week where she explained her role and what it was like being in the Houses of Parliament.

Linking to our global neighbour award, the children, alongside the community, have been continuing to express their concerns about cars speeding past the school. The children had come up with possible solutions and shared them with Sheryl Murray. Following her visit, we have already been informed by Cormac that they will be putting speeding advisers by the school in January which is a real success as this has been an ongoing problem for the last few years. Well done to the children for making this change!


What a way to end the half term! 

Paignton Zoo

The whole school visited Paignton Zoo on the final day of half term. We split off into groups to look at all the animals with a focus of understanding what endangered and critically endangered meant. We are using our trip to support our development of the Global Neighbour Award where we are finding ways to support our world becoming a better place including climate justice.

Dates for next half term

We have sent our the calendar dates for next half term in an email but you can also find them on our website diary events. The first few dates are:
Monday 6th November-School photos
Tuesday 7th November-KS1 Multiskills afternoon at Looe Community Academy
Friday 10th November-Show Racism the Red Card day-children to wear red on this day


Team spirit! 

Football tournament

I had the pleasure of taking 8 children to Duloe Primary to take part in a football tournament. Some of our children had never played before and they have never played as a team. Every game the team improved and gained more and more confidence. Our Christian value this week was perseverance and they certainly showed that, where they didn't give up and kept trying to get better each time. The team and I have some good ideas so we can build on this and we will be asking our PTFA for goal posts for the field and are also going to arrange a lunchtime club with Looe Primary and Duloe Primary where we can practice with a bigger group of children each half term.

We certainly looked the part with our new sponsored tops thanks to Cornish Tea and Coffee!

Next up: Touch Rugby next week at Looe Community Academy.


Welcome back! 

I have been thrilled to see how the children have come back being settled and with a brilliant learning attitude.

We have got a range of clubs on offer this half term including lunchtime school clubs. Please ensure that you have signed your child up through the office.

Key dates for your diary:

Tuesday 19th September-KS2 Football festival at Duloe
Wednesday 27th  September-Year 4 Times tables parent meeting at 5pm
Tuesday 10th October-Harvest Festival at St Wenna's church
Friday 13th October-Coffee morning 9-10am with Tracey Foster SENDCo
Thursday 19th October-Paignton Zoo trip
Friday 20th October-INSET day


Week commencing 3rd July 

Activity week

We have had a brilliant week, full of exciting opportunities whilst being very physically active. Year 5 and 6 went on their residential from Monday-Wednesday whilst the rest of the school took part in a range of activities.

On Monday, we had an alternative sports day where the children took part in boxing, archery, lacrosse and boccia. On Tuesday, we went to Adrenaline Adventure Park in Plymouth. On Wednesday, we have an outdoor learning day which involved den making, whittling, designing and painting plant pots and making fires to have hot chocolate. On Thursday, we had a performing arts day getting ready for our end of year performance. Finally, on Friday, we had a beach day where we went to Seaton doing different beach activities.

Not only did the children have fun but I was very impressed with how the children demonstrated our Christian values so effortlessly. We look forward to planning it again next year!


Week commencing 26th June  

Sports Day
For a second year in a row, we have been incredibly blessed with beautiful weather on sports day. The children completed a range of activities (boccia, water transportation, archery, bean bag throw, standing long jump, penalty shootout) followed by an obstacle course and sprints. We finished with a parent obstacle race which provided plenty of entertainment! Congratulations to Seaton for winning the cup this year!

Thank-you Miss Bolger
Miss Bolger has been part of our Trenode family since January whilst doing her teacher training course. She has been in the EYFS/1/2 class and has been amazing. This week was her last week with us but we will still see her as she has secured herself a job at Looe Primary which we are thrilled about-good luck Miss Bolger and thank-you for you hard work!

Dates for the diary

3rd-7th July- Activity week and the residential for Year 5 and 6. All information has been emailed out for each day.
10th and 11th July-Y6 transition for those attending Liskeard.
19th July-Bugsy Malone performance. There are still time to get tickets.


Week commencing 8th May 

This week was all about our wonderful Year 6's! They have had their SATs week and we couldn't be more proud of how they have applied themselves this week. The progress they have made over this year has been exceptional showing resilience, determination and a superb attitude to learning.

We ended the week with (of course) a SATs party where we had a BBQ and roasted marshmallows. The children had the choice how they spent the afternoon and so they chose to play with our outdoor equipment all afternoon.

A special thanks to the rest of the school for showing their support and respect during this week especially as Mrs. David and myself were out of class every morning to work with Year 6. I would also like to thank Mrs. David and Mrs. Burrows for their continual hard work in getting our children prepared for this week whilst keeping them calm and positive.


Week commencing 1st May 

We had a wonderful Coronation celebration on Friday to celebrate King Charles.

During the morning, the children worked together in a range of Coronation activities to prepare for the afternoon. They baked scones, made traditional British themed sandwiches, created bunting and decorations and designed their own king-inspired self portrait to go on our personalised school tea towel. We then invited the community in to celebrate and enjoy the prepared food for a tea party whilst also holding a silent auction, cake sale and crown competition. Thank-you to all who supported us on this day including our PTFA.

Look out for details over the coming weeks to purchase a Trenode Primary Coronation teatowel with all the children's drawings.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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